After a long but joyfulness Startup Weekend in Hong Kong (the November edition) all anticipation became to an end when the winner was announced: FilmSkout.
FilmSkout is a web based service that allows filmmakers and photographers to scout for locations online.
During the weekend they pivoted, changed the startup idea and did a 360 pirouette to eventually come back to their original idea. As a mentor for the weekend I saw it all happen in just a few weekend hours.
I visited them more then once this weekend, they were actually the very first team to call me in on Saturday, I loved working with them. We also had a joined session with accidental mentor Salim Virani (@SaintSal) creator of @Leancamp

a joined session with me, the FilmSkout team and accidental mentor Salim Virani
The Startup Weekend judges feedback was convincing service, potential and business model.

The FilmSkout team, names and numbers will be added later to this post.
Co-Founder Kenneth Law, Co-founder Bart Verkoeijen and other team members.
I will definitely be following them arround!
Find more about the Startup Weekend HK on my Twitter timeline here:

The Co-founder of FilmSkout Kenneth Law interviewed by TVB
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