All posts in Startup Tips

Tech media will fill your ear but will never get you to product market fit.

Stop reading TechCrunch

Pitch bootcamp

Join me at the Founder Institute Startup Pitch Bootcamp:

– Startup Pitch Bootcamp
– 2015-03-12 on 07:00 to 09:00 PM
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Startup Bullshit [VIDEO]

The video’s of the Postmortem HK failure conference are online. So also my talk about startup bullshit.


Walking around with an idea to do an event in Hong Kong where people can learn and share startup failures for quite some time. Now it’s going to be a reality!
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When you are not a startup anymore

When is a startup not a startup anymore?

When you have a board of directors! Or found your business model! Or your’e being bought! Or …..
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Startup Tips

Lean Startup Tips

A few tips, video’s and reads on tech startups. So if you’re interested in doing a startup or you’re attending a Startup Weekend, this is the place to start: Read more…

When given options, use them - Me, 2012

Use your Options